Teeth Extraction in Cameron Park, CA

Tooth extraction is sometimes needed to maintain oral health. Although tooth extractions may seem intimidating, Dr. Nav’s expertise ensures a comfortable, stress-free experience, leading you smoothly toward better dental well-being. Your smile, health, and beauty mean the world to us at Cameron Park Family Dentistry in Cameron Park, CA.  Our team is committed to providing outstanding dental care tailored to your needs.

Dentist holding tooth after tooth Extraction

Be proud of your smile

Tooth extractions don’t have to be intimidating

At Cameron Park Family Dentistry, we utilize modern technologies to extract problematic teeth with minimal discomfort and as stress-free as possible.

Teeth Extraction — What is it Exactly?

Teeth extraction means removing a tooth from its place in the mouth. It’s done when keeping the tooth isn’t an option or won’t fix the issue long-term. Reasons for extraction could be severe damage, decay, crowding, infection risk, or getting ready for braces. At Cameron Park Family Dentistry, extraction can ease discomfort, heal, and start on the road to a happier smile.

When Teeth Extractions Become Necessary

Wondering why you might need a tooth extraction? There are various reasons it could be necessary:

  • Severe Damage or Decay: Extraction may be the best solution when a tooth is too damaged.
  • Orthodontic Preparation: Sometimes, pulling a tooth or two is needed for the best orthodontic results.
  • Risk of Infection: Extracting a diseased tooth might be recommended if there’s a chance of infection.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: In young adults, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to pain and more dental issues if not removed.

Dr. Nav’s Approach to Teeth Extractions in Cameron Park

Dr. Nav and his Cameron Park Family Dentistry team prioritize your comfort during the extraction process. From the first consultation to when you leave, we take every step to ensure a gentle and supportive experience.

  1. Personalized Consultation: Every treatment begins with a comprehensive evaluation and discussion of your needs and concerns.
  2. Effective Anesthesia: We use effective anesthesia techniques to ensure a pain-free procedure.
  3. Expert Care: The doctor’s expertise in tooth extractions minimizes discomfort and promotes swift healing.
  4. Post-Extraction Guidance: We provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal healing.

Healing Post-Extraction

After the extraction, our team is here to provide extensive support to help you through the healing process. Taking good care of yourself post-extraction is vital for a smooth recovery and involves:

  • Rest: It is essential to give your body the time it needs to heal. We recommend taking it easy for at least 24 hours after the extraction.
  • Pain Management: We’ll recommend ways to ease any discomfort you may experience after the procedure.
  • Follow-Up Care: We will schedule follow-up appointments to check on your healing progress and discuss additional treatments, such as dental implants or bridges, to replace the extracted tooth and bring back full functionality to your smile.

Types of Dental Extractions

During your dental exam, we’ll take an X-ray of your affected tooth to determine if it needs to be removed and which type of extraction is recommended:

Simple Tooth Extraction

Most dental extractions are what we call a simple extraction. These procedures can be performed using local anesthetic (numbing medication) and require minimal healing time.

Surgical Dental Extraction

If a tooth is impacted within the gum or bone tissues, a simple extraction is prohibited. Instead, surgical removal of the tooth is required. A classic example is wisdom tooth removal, which is usually regarded as a type of oral surgery. Surgical extractions can be performed by family dentists, oral surgeons, or other dental specialists.

Replacing Your Tooth After a Tooth Extraction 

Other than removing wisdom teeth, dental extractions create excess spacing in your smile. These newly created openings can cause other teeth to drift out of alignment or wear down abnormally. Even the opposing teeth may “super-erupt” in an attempt to find a biting partner. To protect your smile’s integrity and alignment, it’s important to replace your extracted tooth at your earliest opportunity.

Common types of tooth replacements to consider include dental implants, a fixed bridge, or a partial denture. We’ll review the entire care plan with you so that you know how much time is involved and any additional fees to consider, including those related to sedation.

Tooth Extraction

We proudly offer simple, surgical, and wisdom tooth extractions in our Cameron Park dental clinic. Contact our office today to schedule a tooth extraction consultation!

How to Prevent Dental Extractions

Because most simple extractions are due to issues like decay or gum disease, preventative dental care is key. Plan to treat any issues early before they spread deeper into the tooth. Earlier treatments are more conservative and help preserve healthy tooth structure.

Bone Grafts After Dental Extractions

Removing a tooth triggers a natural bone resorption (shrinking) process around the socket, where the tooth roots previously set. Placing a bone graft in this space helps avoid bone loss, which is important if you are planning to get dental implants or need to reinforce the neighboring teeth.

Most bone grafts are installed on the same day as your tooth extraction. However, they are not necessary when removing baby teeth or wisdom teeth.

Painless Tooth Extraction

If you are experiencing discomfort or your tooth needs repair, we invite you to call our dental office today to schedule your appointment. We look forward to taking care of your oral health.

Cost of Dental Extractions in Cameron Park

The fee for a dental extraction will depend on the type of extraction, which tooth is involved, if you’re being sedated, and other factors associated with the procedure. Generally speaking, a simple extraction may cost between $150-$500, whereas a surgical extraction begins at around $300 per tooth. To prevent any confusion, our Cameron Park dentist will provide you with a detailed treatment plan outlining all fees.

Why Cameron Park Family Dentistry for Your Tooth Extraction?

Choosing Cameron Park Family Dentistry feels like trusting your dental health with friends who are also experts. With the latest technology and a super-friendly vibe, Dr. Nav and the team are all about making extractions as comfortable as possible. They genuinely care about your overall wellness and want you to feel great about your dental decisions!

Ready to Talk About Teeth Extraction in Cameron Park, CA?

If you’re dealing with dental pain or have heard that getting a tooth pulled might be good for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. Reach out to Dr. Nav and our warm team at Cameron Park Family Dentistry today. Book your visit and start your path to a healthier smile.

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  • Highest Level of Dental Care
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  • Affordable Financing Options
  • Personalized Dental Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Who performs dental extractions?

Extractions are provided by general dentists as well as most dental specialists.

Do I need to rest after tooth removal?

It’s important to take things easy for a day or two, as rigorous activity could delay healing or trigger a dry socket.

Definition of common tooth extraction terminology

Tooth decay (dental caries): Tooth decay is the breakdown of teeth due to acids produced by bacteria.

Tooth Enamel: Enamel is the thin outer covering of the tooth. This tough shell is the hardest tissue in the human body.

Dental Checkup: A dental checkup is an appointment that involves cleaning the teeth, identifying any signs of infection and removing said signs of infection.

Preventive Dentistry: Preventive dentistry is the dentistry that focuses on maintaining oral health in order to prevent the spread of plaque, the formation of tartar and infections in the mouth.

Extraction: The process of removing a tooth from its socket in the bone.

Oral Surgeon: A dentist with special training in surgery of the mouth and jaw.

Surgical Extraction: A more complex extraction requiring an incision in the gums and sometimes removal of bone to access the tooth.

Sedation Dentistry: The use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures, including extractions.

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  • CA (License 18706). View License Information
  • Insurance: We work with most insurance providers.
  • No Insurance? No problem call 530-677-0272 for more information.
  • Financing Options: We offer a wide range of dental financing options.
  • We serve patients from the following counties: El Dorado County
  • We serve patients from the following cities: Auburn, Cameron Park, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Folsom, Granite Bay, Lincoln, Rocklin and Roseville.
  • Have Questions?  Please feel free to contact us at 530-677-0272

Helpful links: WebMD (Tooth Extraction) | ADA (Glossary of Dental Terms)